Halifax Jazz Festival
Recorded: Jul. 10, 2010
Halifax, NS CANADA
FM Broadcast
Lurrie Bell - Vocals,Guitar
Willie Hayes - Drums
Melvin Smith - Bass
Daryl Coutts - Piano,Organ
1-I Need You So Bad
2-Everything Is Going To Be Alright
3-Sweet Home Chicago
4-Let's Talk About Love -
5-Messin With The Kid
Gracias por este trabajo.Pude ver a Lurrie un par de veces en vivo.Pese a su difícil vida, su toque sigue intacto.
ResponderEliminarLamentablemente el link al 30% de la bajada queda muerto.Podés chequear please?
Hola Pedro,buenas noches.................
ResponderEliminarGracias por la data,ya lo chequeo,cualquier cosa lo vuelvo a subir.
Abrazo,gracias por pasar y comentar.
Pedro....acabo de bajar el cd y ningún problema....intentá nuevamente por favor y cualquier cosa cambio el link.
Cosa e mandinga.Por tercera vez trato de bajarlo y a los 50.6MB vuelve a clavarse.Por Mipony pasa lo mismo.Gracias de todas maneras.
ResponderEliminarQue raro.....todo bien.Acabo de eliminar el link y lo estoy vovlviendo a subir.Desde hace una semana el contador de bajadas de Megaupload no funciona (por lo menos a mi),por lo tanto,no puedo decir cuantos han bajado este Cd.Abrazo.
ResponderEliminarHey buddy, nice blog, congratulations! In fact, a friend of mine gave me the link to your blog, a friend called Varella, the same one I did hommage giving his name to the above album. Nice to see that at least you did not destroy the artwork aiming to omit the source, as many do, and a remark is necessary, making these artwork gives a lot of work. I only ask you at least to give credit to my blog, even more that this Lurrie is one of the few albums that was literally done by me, since I captured the transmission and all the conversion job, etc.. I think I deserve at least a credit, and so your followers could also make a stop by.
ResponderEliminarHaving said that, congratulations and long life to music.
Numb Hello, good evening !!!!! Sorry ....... ok.
ResponderEliminarI have many DVD / CD purchased and also search the network.
I do like, I share in the Blog.
Your Blog is Bootslive.blogspot.com, ok?? Excellent!!
Your Blog is CastelarBlues friend .....
Greetings and sorry for omitting the source.