Julian Sas has already been favourably compared to such blues luminaries and guitar giants like Johnny Winter, Rory Gallagher, Jimi Hendrix and Gary Moore.
'A Smile to My Soul', the second Julian Sas album was released in 1997. All songs were written during the 'Boogie-Down-The-Road' tour of 1996. The band had grown tighter and better. Most of these songs were the result of jamming along live on stage.The Julian Sas Band is one of the leading blues rock bands in The Netherlands.
Julian Sas - Vocals,Guitars
Pierre 'Boogiemachine' de Haard - Drums
Phil Poffé - Bass
1. Sugarcup Boogie
2. Is This What They Call the Blues
3. Horror Tone Groove
4. Last Man in, First Man Out
5. My Love Is Tumblin' Down
6. Crossroad Call
7. I Want Your Love
8. Never Gettin' Tired
9. Stone Desert
10. My Life Is Gonna Be All Mine
11. Boot Hill
12. Where Will It End?!
13. Makin' My Return (Back Up from Where I've Been)
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