Another eminently solid outing by the legendary harpist that captures his trademark barroom bravado in a studio setting. The band is quite tight — Buddy Guy and Lefty Dizz are the guitarists, Douglas Fagan plays sax, and Clark Terry, believe it or not, occupies a third of the trumpet section — and the set list is dominated by oldies from both Sonny Boys, Willie Dixon, and John D. Loudermilk (Junior invests his "Tobacco Road" with a lights-out toughness that the Nashville Teens could never even imagine).
Junior Wells -Vocal,Harmonica
Buddy Guy - Lead Guitar
Walter Williams - Rhythm Guitar
Douglas Fagan - Tenor Sax
Levi Warren - Deums
Tom Crawford - Bass
Clark Terry - Trumpet
Wallace Davenport - Trumpet
Jimmy Owens - Trumpet
Tom Mcintosh - Trombone
1-Stop Breaking Down
2-Somebody's Tippin In
3-Five Long Years
4-Mystery Train
5-So Sad This Morning
6-When My Baby Left Me
7-Little by Little
8-Tobacco Road
9-Worried Life Blues
10-(I'm Your) Hoochie Coochie Ma
11-You Don't Love Me, Baby

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